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Iyengar Class

Personal and spiritual growth encompasses various areas of knowing and understanding oneself, learning new skills, developing one's abilities and potential, increasing emotional intelligence, strengthening one's sense of identity and self-confidence, and improving one's quality of life. Personal and spiritual growth is a part of our lives today. Many people who want to be at peace with themselves, happy and successful in life set out to explore themselves, their weaknesses and their potential. Growth begins when we start to accept our own weakness.

Usually, we decide to pursue personal and spiritual growth when we are motivated to do so by life's problems and challenges. Personal and spiritual growth has a profound effect on all aspects of our lives because when we work on ourselves, we radiate our passion and actions to the world around us. Personal and spiritual growth encourages us and puts in our hands the means by which we can become the best version of ourselves. The interesting thing about personal and spiritual growth is that we are no longer just focused on ourselves, but we also care about those around us, which means that in this way we can also contribute to the personal and spiritual growth of those around us.


The fundamental measure that influences the improvement of the quality of life through personal and spiritual growth is self-love. Through various techniques, we prepare you to leave the comfort zone we are so familiar with and empower you to walk a path you have never known before. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a necessary condition to begin a new, exciting path of growth, because it is what has brought us to the point we are at now. We will teach you to recognize the unconscious patterns that are limiting you in life, to make you aware of why what is happening to you is happening. We will teach you that you are not a helpless victim of your life, but its sole creator, and teach you to take control of your life.


©2020 by Institute for lifestyle and preventive medicine.

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